All of APST's blended, experiential short courses can be delivered in virtual format, meaning some or all of a workshop's participants can learn from anywhere in Australia or around the globe.
As with our blended workshops, our virtual workshops offer:
See below for a full list of our blended short course topics.
Please note: In addition to the programs listed below, APST is able to design and develop fully-contextualised workshops to develop capabilities not addressed in standard programs.
Virtual Delivery Format
In order to ensure flexibility of learning and the highest possible learning outcomes, APST's suite of virtual short courses have been developed in a blended (online and virtual) format:
Stage 1: The delivery of each workshop begins with an introduction to the topic via an online module. This provides the workshop participants with an understanding of the essential aspects of the topic and prepares them for their face-to-face workshop.
Stage 2: Approximately two week after being provided with their online learning, participants take part in their virtual workshop. This builds on their online learning via facilitated discussions, shared learning, activities, and more. These workshops conclude with each participant developing a 'personal learning action plan'.
Stage 3: Approximately two weeks after the virtual workshop, participants receive a 30 minute one-on-one virtual coaching session to check on the progress of their action plan and address any issues.
Please note: Whilst the APST workshops have been developed in a fully-blended format, clients have the option of delivering all topics in just face-to-face, virtual, or online format.
Participant Profiling
Whilst profiling isn't built into our blended short courses, for those organisation wishing to include it in their programs, we offer a suite of diagnostic and profiling tools to identify various personality and/or leadership types, such as DiSC, Skillscope Leadership 360, True Colours, PCTI, HBDI, TMPQ, GENOS, SHL, Myers-Briggs, LSI, and TLCP. Download our brochure or Contact us for more information.
Virtual Short Course Topics (A-Z)
Please contact us for full program course content and learning outcomes
An Introduction to Change Management
Change is inevitable and can present challenges on a daily basis at every level, with the inability to successfully manage a team through this change potentially having huge implications for a team/organisation such as reduced engagement, productivity and profits and an increase in employee absenteeism and turnover.
This workshop provides participants with the key knowledge and skills that underpins successfully leading change (such as setting vision, strategy, and making decisions for resourcing) and managing change (such as motivating, getting buy in, and providing training).
This topic is suitable for all managers and leaders, however, frontline employees may also benefit from this workshop.
An Introduction to Effective Decision-Making Skills
Making business decisions is a manager’s most critical (and riskiest) job. New product development, strategic directions, joint ventures, or partnerships, hiring new people - bad decisions in any of these areas can be detrimental to your company and your career.
This workshop explores the two basic ways our brains make decisions. It also explores a number of flawed mental processes that impact the quality of our individual and group decision-making, and practical ways to overcome them. It introduces a decision-making process that can be implemented to reduce the risk and impact of poor-quality decisions on the organisation.
This workshop is suitable for every employee but is particularly important for any employee in a leadership or management role.
An Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence supports relationships between people and growth in one’s self. It is a vital component of a successful career, team, and business. Without an ability to understand and manage our emotions, our ability to effectively utilise our skills and knowledge is diminished. Understanding one’s own emotions is also a required step to understanding the emotions in others.
This workshop explores the way we connect with ourselves and other people – our emotional intelligence. In this topic, we examine emotions within ourselves, how to become aware of the emotions we experience and their causes and meanings, then we consider how to use emotions to assist in daily activities, and how to manage emotions to improve effectiveness.
This workshop is suitable for any employee.
Coaching and Developing Staff
The role of a leader involves developing the team's thinking abilities. As such, adopting a coaching style helps people reflect, explore options, and come up with their own solutions.
This workshop explores the coaching toolkit - the guiding principles, types of coaching, coaching skills, and coaching structures. It provides a range of practical examples and serves as an introduction to the essential aspects of coaching.
This workshop is suitable for anyone with people leadership responsibilities who wants to develop their coaching abilities.
Communicating Effectively in the Workplace
The modern workplace makes many demands – more tasks, shorter deadlines, increasing change, extra responsibilities. Workplaces are also increasingly diverse, with a range of colleagues from different backgrounds, cultures, genders, and personalities. As such, effective communication skills are critical to drive productivity and create harmonious teams.
This workshop explores the awareness and ability of an employee to be an overall effective communicator in their workplace. It identifies the key components of communication and communication styles. It examines key listening skills and how to ‘listen to understand’, not just to ‘listen to reply’ and includes practical tips for both verbal and non-verbal communication, such as a specific analysis of common workplace communication – email, phone and internal meetings.
This topic is suitable for all employees who wish to improve their ability to understand, and be understood, as well as work more effectively with their colleagues and teams.
Designing Presentations That Engage
The ability to confidentially communicate ideas is a fundamental skill for any professional. Be it for an internal team meeting, a staff offsite, an industry keynote or a client seminar, it’s important to know how to structure presentation materials in a way which makes ideas resonate with the audience.
This workshop provides a clear structure and process for designing presentations that engage, inspire, and persuade the audience. It walks participants through each stage of the creative process, and how to plan the opening, body, and closing of presentations.This workshop is suitable for any employee who must design information to present to an audience. It suits both internal and external presenters, both in marketing, sales, or client management, as well as technical or operational areas.
This topic is focused on structuring and writing of presentation materials but does not cover personal presentation delivery techniques and skills.
Discussing Performance with Staff
Discussing people's performance can be emotionally charged. If a manager knows how to hold these conversations in a way that minimises defensiveness and clarifies expectations, they will maximise the chances the feedback will be well-received, and the performance issue will be resolved quickly. Additionally, if managers can quickly and easily correct staff performance, they can also avoid the situation worsening to the point where it requires formal performance management.
This workshop explores how to have the initial, event-driven conversations that arise when someone's performance has not met expectations, to quickly get things back on track again. This topic is not about formal Performance Development or Performance Appraisal discussions or processes, but about pre-empting the need for formal performance management by correcting staff performance quickly and early in the process.
This workshop is suitable for anyone with people management or leadership responsibilities and provides an introduction to the general management of staff performance.
Diversity Awareness: Introduction to Diversity
As workforce demographics shift and global markets emerge, workplace diversity becomes a business necessity. However, statistics clearly show that employees reap benefits from workplace diversity, including respect from co-workers and diverse businesses often see gains in productivity, innovation, and profit.
This workshop is the first module in the diversity awareness package and introduces the concept of diversity with a focus on the business benefits of a diverse and inclusive workplace. Other topics in the D&I suite include Disability, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, Culturally and linguistically diverse peoples, LGBTIQ+, and Taking Action.
This workshop is suitable for employers, employees, and anyone who wants to increase their understanding of diversity.
Holding Productive One-on-One Meetings with Your Team
One-on-one meetings are proven to strengthen relationships between managers and their team members. Regular, well run, one-on-one meetings can build engagement with employees as well as help identify many issues before they can become problems, yet one-on-one meetings can be time-consuming and, if run poorly, can be counterproductive. Managers, therefore, need to have a plan to make these important meetings both efficient and effective.
This workshop considers the purpose of one-on-one meetings and how they are both different and similar to other meetings and then looks at how to create both efficient and effective one-on-one meetings. This includes the structure of the meeting, questioning techniques, and best practices in having engaging discussions which lead to productive outcomes.
This workshop is suitable for all managers and supervisors.
Managing and Resolving Conflict
Conflict is a natural occurrence in a workplace, by sheer nature of the volume of people working together, and the different perspectives each person brings. There are a myriad of triggers for conflict to occur, and ways to handle it which will benefit workshop participants and those around them.
This workshop explores conflict in the workplace, the nature of conflict, ways conflict arises, different forms of conflict, positive and negative conflict, and ways and techniques to address it as a leader.
This topic is highly suitable for managers and team leaders but can also benefit any employee.
Managing Remote and Virtual Teams
Working remotely is becoming increasingly common. Some research suggests that organisations expect nearly half of all their employees to be working remotely over the next decade. Whilst many trends feed into this way of organising work, managing the work effectively will be key to the success of organisations globally.
This workshop explores managing remote and virtual teams - workers or employees who are not physically located in the same space as their managers or leaders. It examines four key rules for successful remote team management. First, building trust with remote workers, then how to help remote teams remove roadblocks and how to build connections for remote workers, and finally, it provides tips to improve communication for remote teams.
This topic is suitable for all managers and leaders of remote or virtual teams.
Managing Teams for Better Performance
A team is a critical organisational structure, responsible for significant activity and success within any organisation. Yet teams can often stagnate at a basic level, completing operational tasks but never moving into higher levels of performance. As such, improving the performance of teams can result in significant operational benefits, often at the same - or even lower - operational costs.
This workshop assists managers take their team's performance to a higher level. It focuses on two key frameworks for team organisation and performance. First, Bruce Tuckman’s 'Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing' model, which can help identify and understand the team's journey. It then examines Patrick Lencioni’s ‘Five Dysfunctions of a Team’ to help identify hurdles which can prevent team progress. It concludes with a complete overview of how to manage the team performance review process and engage team members in self-development as a team.
This topic is suitable for all leaders, managers, and supervisors.
Problem-Solving and Creativity
Many successful people think from a very rational, positive viewpoint. This is part of the reason that they are successful. Often, though, they may fail to look at problems from emotional, intuitive, creative, or negative viewpoints. This can mean that they underestimate resistance to change, do not make creative leaps and fail to make essential contingency plans. Creative problem-solving is about escaping the standard patterns that control thinking in order to discover options that previously could not be seen.
This workshop explores various creative techniques to improve the ability to solve problems. It outlines why creativity is sometimes required to improve outcomes when facing problems and reviews six creativity techniques: Random input, Reversal, Thinking Hats, Mind Maps, Root-Cause and Subconscious Processing.
This topic is suitable for all employees.
Professional Business Writing Skills
Whether communicating internally with colleagues or externally to clients, the way you write conveys a level of professionalism and credibility to others. Furthermore, the quality of documentation can improve business outcomes, such as converting new clients and achieving internal buy-in for initiatives. Conversely, poor business writing can hinder the ability to influence others and create the right impression.
This topic provides a useful set of guidelines to follow when creating all forms of business documentation - letters, reports, presentation slides, business cases, case studies and emails. Participants learn how to structure written communication to meet the needs of the audience, and to communicate key messages in a clear, logical and concise way and learn how to avoid the common mistakes people make when it comes to grammar, punctuation, spelling, tone, and formatting.
This topic is suitable for every employee.
The fundamentals of great leadership
Leaders are the drivers of strategic outcomes in an organisation, so bad or ineffective leadership is directly tied to bad organisational results. Additionally, leadership differs from management; such that good managers may not always be good leaders without acquiring additional leadership skills.
This workshop provides an understanding of the fundamentals of leadership, beginning with an examination of the concept of leadership followed by a deep dive into employee engagement and leadership vision, and looks at the best practices of great leaders. Participants then work on on-the-job learning activities to refine or share their vision and improve selected leadership skills.
This topic is suitable for any employee taking on leadership responsibilities. It is particularly useful for leaders and managers who feel they have a good understanding of management but need to improve their skills in leadership.
Mental Health Awareness for Managers
Everyone can experience work-related stress. Brief or infrequent stress is unlikely to cause harm and can even make us more productive, however, work-related stress that is ongoing or excessive can contribute to poor mental health. Managing work-related stress and risks to mental health is a Work Health and Safety (WH&S) legal requirement – just like physical health. When managed well the benefits include more engaged and productive workers.
This workshop provides managers with strategies to identify and manage risks to mental health in the workplace, including work-related stress. It explores common sources of work-related stress, actions to manage those situations, as well as the different roles and responsibilities of people in the workplace.
This topic is suitable for all managers and leaders. Frontline employees may also benefit from this workshop, or the 'Mental Health Awareness for Employees' workshop.
Strategies to Manage Stress in the Workplace
Workplace stress has been reported in Australia as costing over $10 billion per year, with almost 100 million working days lost per year. Yet not all stress is bad, for example, positive stress can bring focus and energy - the key being able to limit and manage negative stress while gaining the benefits of positive stress.
This topic assists participants in understanding how stress occurs in the workplace and looking at a range of strategies and tips to help manage stress. Participants examine what stress is and how it affects people and organisations and looks at the positive and negative aspects of stress as well as ways to identify symptoms of negative stress.
This topic is suitable for all employees.
Transitioning from employee to manager
Managing people has its own set of challenges, rewards, and skill sets. When a person transitions from employee to manager their role, relationship with their team, and their focus must change.
This workshop helps participants make a more seamless transition from employee to manager and explores the role of a manager, mistakes new managers can avoid, transitioning from peer to manager, and managing people with more experience.
This topic is suitable for any employee that is transitioning into a manger’s roles for the first time or has been working toward this goal for some time.
Workplace health and safety fundamentals
Hazards and risks to health and safety can occur for all workers and employees in all workplaces, meaning poor health and safety procedures can potentially result in harm and injury. As such, all members of the workforce have a duty of care to ensure a safe working environment.
This workshop is based on work health and safety legislation which includes the Work Health and Safety Act (WHS Act) and the Work Health and Safety Regulations (WHS Regulations). It provides an understanding of health and safety responsibilities, how risk is managed using the risk management process, and should be expected to be found in the workplace to help work safely. Additionally, it explores common workplace hazards and how to reduce the risks associated with those hazards.
This topic is suitable for all employees covered by the Model Work Health and Safety laws (WHS Act and WHS Regulations) which includes employees in Queensland, New South Wales, ACT, Tasmania, Northern Territory and South Australia. For employees in Victoria the 'Workplace health and safety fundamentals (Victorian WHS Laws)' workshop may be more appropriate.
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Australian Public Sector Training - Brochure (pdf)
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